Wednesday 13 February 2013


Nobody i mean nooobody trust me that i have become a such an obedient nerd since i entered college. *NOT* haha

let me share with you why is this so. In school, i was such a lazy girl. I'm always active with curriculums and for my academics? too poor. i never finished my homeworks. okay not never but sometimes. and i usually fall asleep during class especially addmat! and thats way im terrible in countings :D ngeeheee and i'm always busy with my prefect meetings and scouting's and other stuff i joined. So when i post pictures of me in the library they find me quiet funny when i'm studying because its just too impossible.

For my family, huh, lagi laa. I waste time a lot so they know that im am as lazy as they see me. When i do my work my siblings would go, GET REAL?, or OUH PUH-LEASE stop pretending to be an angel would ya -- haha yeah so called supporting siblings --"

In my class my classmates see's me as an angel. awww. i'm so touched! thankyou. but i would warn you to not be surprise. i'm hardworking now because i know i need to catch up coz im no smarty pants like azram so i don't wanna dissapoint my parents as im always a dissapointment to them. :B

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