Saturday, 4 August 2012

Got a CUT :(

This was a cut from the laboratory. :(

It was at the lab science during biology. We had to do an experiment concerning our Cells and ways to detect using microscope. We were paired up with 5 groups. Each groups consist of two people. I was with kak Nina.

I had to Cut a slice of anions using a pen knife given. The pen knife was new. It had an aluminium cover. I had to take off the cover unfortunately my finger was on the tip of the knife. It was hard to open the cover therefore i accidently pushed the knife towards my finger. It was just a small cut but very deep.

I then silently went to the back of the lab while pressing my finger that was cut to wash it. I was scared that Miss Hazwani would get mad so i told no one but kept quiet. Unfortunately, i did not realise my blood was dripping along the floors and my classmates noticed my cut.

They then told Miss Hazwani and helped to clean my cut. They put a bandage on my finger and wrapped a tissue on top of it as the blood did not stop. It took a while for my blood to stop running.

They then told me to be careful and the experiment were done by my lab partner. :)

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