Monday, 29 October 2012

Quotes of the Day

When you get hurt, its like how your heart is being torn up and there will always be a scar on it even how much it is being healed. 

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Selamat Hari Raya Haji!

Yup. Its raya HAJI! so Selamat Hari Raya guys girls alls and bla blaaa balaaa... :D

How was your raya? haha Last night after i met Ruby, at 11.30 i helped my mummy and grandma and my aunty cooky!.It was soo tiring. I had to like clean the house this afternoon and helped my sisters engagement thingy. OHMY GUCCI. I am so tiredddd! Guess what. Its like 7 am now and i didnt sleep at all. Yeah, no sleep. -____- 

 Look how busy we are with the messy kitchen cooking rendang and stuff for raya. Ulalalaaaa :D

And oh my, i had to cut the onions like a bucket full and boy, my eyes almost died! I mean i cant stop crying. My eyes are like those bombs ready to explode and tell me about the effects of crying. Sneezing and i caught the FLU! hate that. erghh. but luckily it was temporary. Fewhh. --"

WHY didnt i sleep? well, my sister that is studying in UITM, Shah Alam wanted to come home for Raya. She begged my brother to pick her up. So at 2 am we set off to pick my sister in Shah Alam. and i had to accompany my brother so yeah.. thats why i did not sleeppp.. And on the way home, i asked my brother to drive around Subang jaya where Qhairyl lived  in that area i guess ,, which i do not know specifically where, but only just to drive around get some air . ^^. at 5 something we stopped to eat and had breakfast. my brother la "blanja". haha  

Reaching home at 6.15am, i didnt know what better way to spend my morning rather than sleeping so i BLOGG. haha :D I couldnt sleep or i cant go and "pray" for raya haji cause Allah gave me holidays. And i had nothing but Blogging my boredness out. heeeeeee!  and reading me novels ofcorse! :)



This is Robbi'atul Adawiyah or more as know as Ruby. She's my bestfriend since form 4 till now and on going. We've been through a lot together. A LOT! 

It was my first day in Smk Jalan Reko and so was her. I met her at assembly when she first entered school. we were in the same class in 4 science 1. We were a newbie. I started to introduce myself where i came from and my stories. then she introduces herself. Then we knew that we lived near to each other's house. We grew closer and closer. i moved my seat and sat next to her in class. the we went home together, came to school together and our stuff and clothe were alike. We were called twins most of the times. Unfortunately, she moved school after 4 month studying in Jalan Reko. Only for four month we became really close even until now. 

I remembered, on schooldays when we are really freakingly lazy to go home we would sleepover and go to school the next day together. We took turn sleeping over each others house. After school we would, i mean, she would ride her motor and horn in front of my house for us to go to CC or shops or where ever. HILARIOUS moments that i missed! :)

She came to visit me and it was 10.30pm at that time. she told me to hop in the car cause she wanted to share stories with me so i hopped in and we took off. I forgot to tell my siblings. HAHA and my phone i left at home.. My parents went out shopping for groceries. So we went for a drive and shared stories like usual and at 11.30 i came home. Then my parents arrived and talked to ruby for a while. They insist that she comes in and have some tea or something but her mother didn't want her to loiter around at this point of time so she had to leave early. I'm not sure when will i be able to meet her again. i missed her! I pray for her happiness and blessing. :)

Monday, 22 October 2012

A day out with my earthling friends

Well, i went to the Mines yesterday. So just count the date yourself okey. >_< haha

I went with Anis and annoying Naim. At first Anis had this appointment for her hair treatment stuff so she asked me to follow. Then came along naim who wanted to follow as well. -_- haha Then we went bowling and chit chat most of the times and ate at KFC and not forgetting our ultimate favourite TAKOYAKI. We all loved this and is a must when we hang. ^^ 

This is TAKOYAKI! <3

its not as expensive as it looks. Its four of these takoyaki its RM4.50. they are huge and such delishy! :)
Later on we walked around to search for my sistaaa's engagement thingy then head home. :)

We went using KTM. heres our ticket. and ouh my prada i forgot the price. sorry! :3

Well, these two are my bestfriends since SPM and after SPM we grew closer and more closer. As you know, Anis and Naim are not from my school. They go to the same school. and i go to a different school then them. (do keep on track) haha We met at camps when i took my king scouts. Then we kept in contact and studied together and hang out together and stuff. We grew closer. :)

We have our nick names which is maybe weird to you guys. We all had our nicknames when we went to the library at PKNS before SPM. Us three went their to study and Anis that time wore all pink and girlish outfit so i called her BARBIE since then. Then we studied History together and there was this question that Naim could answer out of all the questions and the answer was PEKING MAN which means human in greek. And then he called me PERAK MAN for being so stiff like metals as I didn't want any nicknames. and there you have my full long (i tried making it short) stories! :)

This is me with Anis aka Barbie :>

With Naim more like a Peking man :>


My ho ho hoooolidays

Helooo sunshine! :)

I have recently started my semesters holidays. How wonderful don't cha think! :) hehehe Well, earthlings. My holidays ends on the 2nd of December. yess, gloomy indeed :(

But therefore, i wanted to fill up my useful times during this holidayssssss. I wouldn't want to regret my time usage and we shall use time wisely! right? :)

That is why i made myself a time table! How dorky! well, i am a dork. ^^ because i want to get my life on track i mean, i need to work myself out of the "stressness" (don't think that's a word, LOL) and all the tensions. I need to fulfill my goals i have set. I am trying my best to like follow my times table. I hope i do! :)

I made this on the 18th of October, after the day my exam finished. and since then, boy, its hard to like stick to the schedule! haha 

That was my times table. Ouh and this picture is just random me wearing different pair of socks as i couldn't be bothered finding their pairs. hahha By the way, i do love wearing socks at home. I just dont see why its so weird, I mean my family and friends have weird gesture like, "are you sick?" "are you cold or something?" and bla bla blaa. haha. well, lets put it this way. I feel comfortable fullstop. ^^

Thursday, 18 October 2012


I wanted to stop blogging. But then i FAILED TO! and i think its great that i failed t stop blogging. I don't see no harm in blogging. I mean, I fill up my wasted time doing some useful things like improving my writing skills and my grammars and my language.

See how it plays a huge advantage towards me. I mean i can totally express my feelings and just share my opinions and experiences plus my memories and all my personal (NOT ALL) details and stuff. I can just release all the pains and learn to express. :)

I mean you GOTTA love BLOGGING. I do i do! ^___^

Friday, 12 October 2012


Lately, people have told me that recently i am quiet. i've became silent. Am i? well, yeah i have not been talkative lately. I love to joke around but after a month here i became silent. more serious. I've got a lot of comment saying i am. I dont know why but i cant force myself to laugh at silly jokes and communicate into a conversation anymore. i dont feel like enjoying. 

My classmates thinks i'm so serious. they said i used to make jokes but know i just smile and listen more instead of talking. I became so silent and quiet. When i'm with ina and comel i have became quiet too. I listen to conversations and smile and laugh. Then i go back doing my own stuff. I make situations awkward when i keep silent. Then they think i have a problem or something which i dont. Its just i cant talk. because ive became speechless and god knows why. 

Maybe i did change. I don't like talking so much now. I ran out of ideas to talk. I just cant communicate unless talking about studies and hows final and my KI's. even my friend from school says that when they text me. But when talking to Qhairyl i feel comfortable and i can communicate. but then others. :||. I don't know why but i just can't seem to grow back to my old self. My clumsiness is wearing off and i like to read and just play with my feelings without socializing. I do have a life but i seem to not want that life anymore. The talkative stupidity laughable and annoying clumsiness and distracting or even talking randomly and breaking people to laughter or just making weird stupid funny annoying faces and smile for no reasons making lecturers mad and annoyed.. I DONT KNOW WHYYYY!

I don't feel like hanging out with my friends on weekends or going and just loitering around with them. I like going to the library but then my finals over and i feel like staying home and updating my twitter and just watch movies, read novels and follow those life that i  subscribes and just wanting to know others update without involving my updates. WHY am i sooo different. I feel so lazy to start back my life because i spend my time mostly by notes, books, exercises and with my classmates! ><

Maybe sooner i'll start to come back and be myself again. I just need time. I need to wear off this laziness in me. I'm sorry to be more serious and quiet. My sisters also said the same thing. She asked me "is all science student so serious and quiet?" i just smile. because i ran out of breath to talk. I talk when i need to. Me myself and I dont know what had happen to me. I'm sorry.  :(


FINALS : I don't know how to describe it butttts, AWFUL, TERRIBLE, BAD, HORRIBLE.

for me its all that. for me thats how i feel. for me its that bad. 

Not to say anything but, I tried my best. I studied what my brain could carry, what my neutrons could differentiate until it reached its limit point until my eyes could no longert to even open up. Butt i don't know if i could reach my achievement, my goals. All i could say is, Bell and kesatria and Mpw and CTU i could score. Not to say i'll ace it but what i studied came out and MOST not all, i could answer. but that i am not so sure either For the rest. I just hope for the best. I done what i could and i hope what i've done is what i dont expect. because i expect it to turn out not what i want and i want it to turn what i wish for! okey you are confuseeee. haha

You just need to understand that i am not as smart as i appear or seem like a smarty pants. But its just that i am TRYING to be one. i am TRYING. see how i stressed out the TRYING part so you can see that i am not one! -__- People judge me to easily. They will go, "ouh, you must be smart. That paper is not hard, you're smart right" and i'm like WHAAAT! i wonder why an earth would you say that! Ouh and they're like i saw you answered that paper until time is over. You wrote long answers and your hands didn't even let go of the calculator. and your paper is full of scribbles and bla bla blaaaaaaaa. -__-

Guys, Girls whoever! how am i going to stress the TRYING part for you to understand! The time i used until the end is because it shows how hard i am trying to find the answers and i cant figure out the way to answer that questions, and my paper is full of scribbles because i'm clumsy and forgetful so i write down all the knowledge i could remember once my paper starts.If not one by one my neutrons starts to contract like how an electron absorbs energy and moves to the excited states then releases back the energy and then moves to the ground states. That electron could be FATNIN instead, >.< btw, the scribbles are just SCRIBBLES not  the answers. --"

I came to KTT with my parents hope not mine. I took AS 120 because of my parents and i Study because of Allah for my parents to be proud. I dont want people to be proud of me but i want my parents and Allah to be pruod. I only pray for my one wish that this semester that i have been struggling is just for my parents to be happy towards me. I dont want to be smart and nerdy. I study not for myself. I became hardworking not for me but to achieve one goal that i had set once i stepped in KTT. From that day on, all i wanted was that goal to just be achieved. 


How beautiful is the moon. ^__^. i captured it with my phone and the quality is terrible. yeah yeah. i know! >.<

Recently, the moon has been appearing really beautiful! soo beautiful that i wish i could stargaze all night long! i took this picture at Kak Nina' house while studying biology. It was like 3 weeks back. I couldn't update as i was busy preparing for my FINALS! :||

It was like after midnight if i'm not mistaken because usually i would always stargaze to look for constellations and also for the moon. My obsessions with astronomy has not stop even after i left Sarawak. Unfortunately i wished over here were as active as over there. >< I wonder if Razzak is still into astronomy now. o.O haha if he was then, LUCKY!

 By the way, Razzak? who's that? that,.. is my bestfriend. *betest i mean. my form 1 till form 3 classmate at Sarawak. we were so closee and only us, as juniors joined astronomy even entered astronomy's quizzes. After our PMR, i moved to bangi and he went to MRSM. he was very smart. he's SPM achieved 10A's. We were close back then because we both wanted to compete against each other in class. he achieved 8A's and i achieved 6A's. he was too smart for my competition. Then i entered science stream and i became lazy and lazier. so i did not achieve 10A's but 5A's was already enough. Alhamdulillah :'>