Sunday, 16 September 2012


I love being silly! its just who i am. I don't like being those types that controls and are arrogant. I love smiling and talking and just be happy. I love making friends and do random stuff. But i like doing all that to whom i know only. Those that i have met or are not tat close to me would be surprise by my silliness. haha

Compliments. I don't really like being complimented. its annoying. i mean, i don't know how to respond. I'm a shy girl. I don't like to really be complimented. I become shy and silent. And i just don't know why but i don't like it unless if i'm close to you and then i'll get crazy and ask for compliments and that time you would regret for complimenting me. haha

But seriously, i'm not likely those who wants compliment. if you don't even compliment me then i'm totally okey. :) but i love taking pictures! heeeeeee i don't know but when it comes to camera i get hectic! hehe

I'm weird so that's just weirdly me. If you wanna be friends with me then you gotta accept me ><

Saturday, 15 September 2012

MEGA Raya at KTT

I don't think it should be called Mega Raya as it is not so MEGA. This is because first and foremost, there is not enough seat for the students. I mean, yeah, you should at least put more chairs for students to sit. Then we would not have to miss out the performances and the activities held. I don't think KTT has 100 students only. -___-"

We arrived early but others arrived earlier. There were enough seats for three of us but it was so hot! so we decided to sit in the student lounge as there were airconds. In there Ina snooze off. haha. Nadhirah and four of my friends came and joined us. We sat and talked in the lounge. It was cool in there.

After all the activities were held, we wanted to line up to eat. But due to the very HOT "ness" of the sun, we went and sat at the cafe. I sat there with Kak Rina, Kak hani and Kak Bell. They queued up to eat and took some food for us. How generous! :D

Qhairyl went to line up. haha he must be hungry. Anyway its free food! :)

After eating we went to sit under the tent that was put up. We sat right in front of the fan. We sat there and listened to the lecturers karaoke on the stage. Some of the students also sang. It was so funny watching them singing. >_<  hehehe After all, the Mega Raya was not as bad as it seemed but yeah it was okey! :)

First Place !



our dance competition was held by the seniors from AD streams. It was so fun dancing especially we won first place! It was a tight competition between AD and us. We combined our group among the AS and MASCOM. There were four of the MASCOM and six of the AS. We combined our group as AS was not enough to participate. We did not consist of 10 participants that is why we combined group. In our group consist of 9 girls and one boy. The boy was Aliff  from MASCOM! he was our leader! he was the one who teaches us to dance in fact he is a very good dancer! his body was smooth and i can see his passion towards dancing. Yeah, he's not just dancing but enjoying himself at the same time. :)

To enter the competition we had to pay RM50 per group so each participant had to pay RM5 only. We practiced our dance only for 4 days. But that four days feels like two days of practice. We had to polish our dance often. It was tiring!! With our test to study, our assignment to finish and the dance to practice it was really hectic! 

I had to handle my MARA, and finish my assignment and my studies! It was very tiring. :(

Qhairyl thought i push myself to study very hard. Its not that i study hard its just because i don't think i studied that much this week. I mean, i had to handle my MARA and had to join our trip to Janda Baik and i did not studied that much and I had to practice our dance until 2 to 3 am. Yeah, it was very tiring.

I think i had only a few hours of sleep! A FEWW! ==''

On Saturday i came home at 6 pm and at 8 i snooze off to bed. I was so tired! My family wondered why i was so tired. haha -_-"

But with all that tiredness, i was really satisfied that we finally won! Alhamdulillah :)

This is the MASCOM :

This is the AS :


Every Friday we have our kesatria's curriculum activity. Its a must for all part 1 diploma's under UITM. we do not have any option but to only join Kesatria.

We have five test for this curriculum activity. So far i have completed two tests which is running five rounds of the football court under 15 minutes and marching. The first test i aced it with flying colors. I got 10 over 10. For the second test I got A for marching. i should have done my best but i was feeling blue. :( Next week we have our writing test. I hope i'll score it! --" because i would not want my curriculum to fail. By the way, Kesatria is like one of the easiest test we could achieve. Everyone could ace it!

Even how much i hate Kesatria, i got to score it my best! :)

Friday, 7 September 2012


My open house. I had my open house on Friday. It was 2 days when i came back home from Kelantan visiting my granny :D

I did not planned it earlier but suggest to do my open house on Friday. I booked the day to invite all of my friends. My classmate from school came, my king scout friends my juniors and seniors. A lot came.

I also invited my college friends unfortunately they all could not attend. But Qhairyl said he wanted to come, but bad of luck he did not, due to his vacation trip to Penang. :3

My open house held after Praying Solat Jumaat which is a must for all Muslims boy. At 2 pm most people came and increasingly continuing. My sister had to cook three times just to fulfill my friends stomach as they were a lot that came. I think it may reach the number of 50 to 40 people.

When Maghrib reached my friends went home. My opened house ended. I was so busy entertaining my guests i did not eat. :( i was very hungry even my hands were shaky. I could not possibly eat with them and not entertain the rest so it was a really HECTIC day. -_-" how tiring it is!

After my friends had left, my sisters friends came over. About 5 people came. I have not eaten yet. After they left i diged up quickly on foods i can find to fill my empty stomach that has been craving for food since the morning. How HUNGRY was I! ><

These are some of the pictures of them at my house. :)

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Staying up SOOO LATE!

This week has been a really tiring week. I think i have pushed myself really hard. I studied late every night. I sleep at 4 to 5 am this week. I tried my very best to achieve my goals and study my hardest. Look at my eyes. I'm so super sleepy. A week of three to four to five hours of sleep. :/

I once told Qhairyl that he should not push himself to hard on studying like those sayings i have heard from whom i have not know "study smart not study hard". Yet again i have eaten my words up.I was studying hard and he told me to look up those sayings and start balancing my time properly.

I don't know why but i feel like studying at most time. I feel like writing and reading books. Why am i like this? or is it that am i a NERD?! =.= Oh god. I don't want to be those nerds that has no life, no enjoyment and is a no fun yet silly people. I just want to be smart and be awesome at the same time. Yeah i want that! ><

But like other smart people, they only study less and understands more. I want to be like them. I want to have a BRAIN like AZRAM!! He is so smart and i just don't understand how he's neurons tend to function at all time and be just so super active when comes to studying or doing any other thing every single second of the day. I want his neurons and brains. In conclusion i want to be Smart! >< haha who does not want to be smart, right?!

All in all, i can't seem to balance my time yet. I'm just to stressed out  to be in this kind of situations. I don't know why i am so stressed and anxious in studying these days. My house mate seems to be mistaken thinking i'm a depressed little girl in studying. How ironic -___- hahaha.

Well, after this i'll try to balance and equate my life and sort my brains out. Thank you for your advice Qhairyl! ^^


Our AS 120 had our photo-shoot on Tuesday. We should have done it earlier but we were caught up in our class and activities. It was hard to find the time where all the AS are free and had gaps between classes.

On that day, coincidently was the last day for our photo shoot. If not we would not have the chance to take our picture and it would be really sad. :(  But that is if we were late but we did took our pictures so no need to be sad. :)

At first i was really ashamed. WHY? well that is because there were a lot of people, i meant my seniors was watching and looking at us posing for our pictures. Its definitely something to be ashamed of and i could not actually pose my way of style due to a MAJOR embarrassment. -__-"

Well, after those seniors took off and were busy doing their stuff that i don't know, we then took a lot of crazy pictures using the props that were provided by the photographer. It was really fun! Remember that i told you guys i love taking pictures? haha i still do and i don't know why. ><

At first, we took our class picture that consist of 9 of us. Unfortunately, Kak Mun did not come due to sickness and had a horrible flew. She blew her chance to be in the picture. It was sad that she was not in the picture but maybe theres a reason why Allah planned it that way. :')

All in all here are some pictures that we took. I don't want to actually fill my blogs with a lot of pictures because then people might think i'm addicted to camera and is actually a photogenic and hyper girl. >< haha

Okey, i want to continue studying Chemistry now. Do enjoy the pictures!. :)